Friday, March 2, 2012


Emily knew
what I did not
and as she rose
to the tombstone pedestal
I envied her
I loved her
I buried her
Deep in my heart
in the far regions
so I wouldn't
see her
and wouldn't know
I couldn't be her.

Bleached Words

White noise of chatter
devils and angels
they bask in the warmth
of their caffeine and mint breath.
The bleached shine
illuminates the clean words
that were once shunned.
Vulgar truths
replaced the measured
crispness of language past.
I sat aloof in my corner
and my eyes watched their words
create dark clouds, in which
they kept their heads.
Their clouds reached for me
like claws seeking blood
as I held up my white flag
I still refused.
My stained, acid eroded words
hid in my brown mouth
refusing to taste their
bitter, clean words
that were once as dirty
as the coffee mug by the sink.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


I am a piece
from a different puzzle
some how I was lost
surrounded by pieces
I don't fit...with.
Oh! How the heart
of my cardboard soul
cries for my pieces
of the,puzzle