Fantasy takes the mind somewhere it may have never imagined. Yet, someone else imagined it. Authors of fantasy fiction build exciting, parallel worlds, magical beings and an over all sense of awe.
What if today's world didn't have cars, but instead everyone traveled by giant bubbles? Authors build their fantasy worlds on stacked questions of; "What if?" The essential question for all fiction writers plays a crucial part in delving into a writer's imagination. What if the sky was brown and the dirt was blue? Readers of fantasy fiction cannot question, "why?" Fantasy makes the question irrelevant. Yet, a great fantasy writer will be able to paint a world of magic and delights so believable, instead readers will ask, "why not?"
Once the world is built, why not add creatures of wonder? Magical creatures of fantasy are almost a must. The selection and creation of fantasy characters and creatures is usually inspired by the combination of; what the author knows, reality, and ideas formed from myths or folklore, or formed from pure creativity. These characters and creatures give the author's created world a purpose.
With purpose, comes life and adventure. Fantasy worlds are created, filled, brought to life and then presented to the reader. Readers of fantasy can devour the platter of an amazing world, wondrous creatures and a great tale of adventure. The author transforms these magical, fantasy elements into a tasty smoothie. Readers learn to love the characters. The readers are amazed by the fantasy world. Then the readers just burst into ecstastical bliss, all from a well written fantasy.
These fantasy authors are great at building exciting worlds, filling them with magical beings and leaving readers satisfied and in awe. That is what defines a good fantasy novel. Fantasy, as we never imagined, built upon questions.
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