Saturday, June 19, 2010


Windows catching
on the brink
pitter, patter
pitter, patter
dripping in the sink
Glazed smoke
hides the charr
click, tap
click, tap
reveal the scar
Doors banging
opening to none
creak, crash
creak, crash
this place is done.

This was inspired by my ex-fiance's house burning down last week. I was sad to hear about it. It was my home for three years. I was sad to lose some of my own items that I hadn't been able to recover yet. I was also sad for him and his girlfriend and baby that they lost everything they had. Also, thankful that I was not still there, for I would have lost everything. I don't think I could handle that.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Help Me Escape

Drowning under flourescent lights
swallow me whole
the dark night
in a hole of selfishness, sinking
I tear my soul
where am I going?
The road is lit
lined with light poles
but I still can't see it
I'll follow tails lights
but it takes its toll
swinging on the tail of this kite
hoping to end up somewhere for safe keeping
where I hope, want and am meant to be, full.
happy. content, life done sucking.
tired... tired of sleeping. Stop it!
this dreaming lull
I need to escape it.

Feeling very emotional his weekend. Things going on that are making me feel like I'm stuck in place, not really moving. I am not happy. Why can't I achieve in life, what I want? It's so annoying... grrr. *cry*

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Summer Day

sweet berry, fill me up
let that syrup
stick to me again
sing the fragrance
through my skin
that longs for silk
and rough again
sun kissed
angels, shine away
hold me in this
summer day.

Ahh! Summer is here! :) June is one of my favorite months, mainly because that's when the mulberries are ripe for eating. :) yumm. This is how my day was today. Mulberries, soft freshly shaved legs (went swimming) and freckles (angel kisses), continued to be warmed and darkened by the sun's rays. Happy Summer!... I This summer I turn 25... :/