Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Spider, spider
hanging by a thread
Land, I dare ya.
You'll be dead.
This place is just big enough
for me
and to be honest I find you
a bit creepy
crawl away and find a place
where flies will be easy to catch
and yummy to taste
Spider, spider
hanging by a thread
please don't land
It's just not safe for you
I'm afraid I'd have to introduce
you to my shoe.
crawl away
please, I say
maybe we can play
another day.

lol, squashed a spider yesterday on the floor, it was huge! and then today, fake spiders hanging for decorations for Halloween made me think of this.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Alone in the night
my heart
I do fight
empty and aching
never to sleep
never to waking
alone in my dreams
alone in my fears
alone tonight
alone for years
calloused hands broke
calloused eyes blind
empty soul took
empty soul left behind
chips and pieces
more than enough
the hollow sound too much
being alone is tough
reaching for something
anything to hold
dying to be loved again
before I'm too old.

This poured out of me after feeling so alone w/o anyone special in my life for a long time now. Seeing other people complain about missing loved ones who have to be away from them for a while, to me it's like, at least you know they are out there and that they love you. I'm not knocking your pain of missing them, I just am jealous I suppose. I'd rather be in pain of missing someone than the pain I have sometimes of not having anyone to miss.